Yes, I know that it isn't the 4th of July yet - but that's fine, because this is a different kind of independence that I am going to be talking about here. This is a personal, familial, emotional independence. The kind of independence that this here little family of mine has been waiting for for years now.
Independence from him, from the evil stepfather, from Richard. It is long, long overdue, but we have finally made our declaration. He has used up every last ounce of patience that my mother and I had for him. He has pushed the boundaries and been a complete @$$ way too many times. So now he has been evicted from our lives. Last Saturday was negotiation day between him and my mother. On Sunday he found an apartment. On Tuesday they approved it for him. And today he is gone. Moving out. Most of his things are already out of our house, and the rest of it is being removed right now (I am hiding out at Starbucks, avoiding the drama). By the end of the night, we will be officially free. No more getting treated like absolute shit by him. No more 8th grade drama from a 56yr old man. NO MORE HIM!
Let us just take a moment here to appreciate how much better our lives will be without him darkening our home. Let us just acknowledge that he is done damaging us, done neglecting us, done hurting us, done being a lying, cheating, selfish old fuck around us. He no longer has access to our house or our lives. I mean, of course, my mother will have to make contact with him every now and again to arrange when he gets to see their son, but other that, she and I are just done. I can't even begin to really express how happy I am about him being gone. It is
We are free now, this family of mine. Free from the oppression of his sad attempt at being a husband and father. Free to live our lives happily, free to have a good day all day, and not just from morning until his return from work. Simply free. So thank you, mom, for staging this coup and getting him out. Thank you, Universe, for letting everything work out so well for this. Thank you thank you thank you!
i love you so much and am so grateful to be your mama! <3