Wednesday, January 18, 2012

snow day

Today is our second day off from school due to the weather, although, really, it's the first day it's actually necessary. There is literally only one school district in all of western Washington that didn't get cancelled today, and, in fact, our snow has become national news. Yesterday I logged out of my Yahoo! account and was very surprised to see that the first news story they had was "Massive Snow Storm to Hit Seattle."
And boy did it ever...
Can you believe how deep it is?? Almost to the top of her rainboots! Whoa! And the van is hardly recognizable at this point:
I am most definitely not complaining though. I love the snow! It is so utterly peaceful and beautiful. Falling snow silences the world in such a wonderful way. It never gets old.
And today we even found a stubborn little rosebud all frosted over in the front yard:
Just lovely.
So, of course I had to make a snowman...or two...
They're a sweet old snow-couple...get it? :)
And, finally, just in case you haven't quite grasped just how much snow we have, this is what was waiting for us when we opened the front door:

Sunday, January 1, 2012

happy new year everyone!

Can you believe that it's already 2012? I hardly can. A month from today I will be turning 18...yay for my upcoming legal adulthood! Not that it will change anything. But still.
This last year has been a tough one. I'm so lucky and amazed to have made it through in one piece. I am so very very thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life who helped me get through this past year. You all know who are and I love you all so much and can't wait to start this new year with all of you - 2012 is gonna be a good one, I can just feel it.
So happy new year everyone, I hope it's as amazing for all of you as I know it will be for me.